How I made peace with my 9–5 job

4 min readJul 8, 2022

The world has vilified the standard 9–5 job. In today’s world where the number one career option is becoming a YouTuber or an Instagram Influencer, a regular 9–5 job is considered banal.

Being an entrepreneur is the in-thing right now; creating a brand, being your own boss and having no one to answer to but yourself. It used to be kind of rare 15 years ago — you had to have a dream, a passion and a vision. But nowadays, it feels like every other person is or wants to be one — no one really cares about passion/vision anymore. All everyone cares about is money and if you have a random skill that you MAY BE remotely good at, you HAVE TO make money off it. The crazy part is that sometimes, these half-baked passion projects actually take off (even if only for a while) and this has resulted in a lot of people preaching to the rest that this is how you live life — if you have a hobby, you need to make it your career and that 9–5 jobs are for depressed losers who are good at absolutely nothing in life.

Well okay, I may have exaggerated there for a bit, but you get what I’m saying. And if you are someone who doesn’t really love or hate their regular 9–5 job, I’m sure you’ve wondered if you should try something else. I know I have.

My father is the eldest and only son from a lower-middle class family in India with 4 younger sisters. My mom was a…




Written by Anjani

Seeking catharsis - through reading your life stories and sharing mine.

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